
Hypnosis is a valuable tool for dealing with our subconscious, that is, the part of our brain that operates things behind the scenes.

Target bad habits, psycho-emotional issues and even access repressed memories or forgotten information.

Imagine the many ways in which being hypnotized would be helpful in your day today, so here is a step-by-step guide to hypnotizing yourself.

Why use it

There is not a single person alive that would refuse the chance to overhaul themselves, eliminating the parts about them that they dislike.

Although not being precisely that, self-hypnosis comes very close to granting this wish by allowing you to rewire your brain towards specific objectives.

For example, many people suffer from anxiety who use self-hypnosis techniques to establish an easier way to calm down.

It can also be used (combined with a conscious effort) to overcome destructive habits like smoking or drinking too much.

So self-hypnosis should not be seen as a magic trick but rather as a tool for self-improvement


Hypnosis of any kind demands, first and foremost, a state of deep relaxation that will disarm your conscious side to suggestion.

So before actually getting down to the fun part, be sure to:

Wear the right clothes: You will not bring your subconscious forward if your consciousness is focused on how your jeans cut off your circulation.

Before starting your hypnosis section, please wear comfortable clothes, be it baggy t-shirts, your pajamas, sweatpants, anything that will let you forget about your body.

Pay attention to the weather; if you feel cold, wear warmer clothing; if it’s too warm, try being on a fresher spot.

Find the right spot: To enter a hypnosis state, you will need to sitting or lying down comfortably on a chair, bed, or sofa. Find a place where you can be comfortable and alone.

Get rid of distractions: If you are going to concentrate intensely, you can’t afford to have your phone ringing or social media notifications popping up. That is why it’s a good practice to have your phone on airplane mode and disconnect your internet for a while.

Pick an object of focus: Ask yourself: “why do you want to self-hypnotize?” Do you have a bad habit or a repressed memory? Are you just trying to relax? 

Once you have established that, craft a list of phrases that will help you achieve this goal. Remember to go straight to the point when writing them down, as you will need to memorize them.

Entering the Trance:

Close your eyes and allow your thoughts to slip out, empty your mind, and breathe deeply.

At first, this step might prove itself to be a little difficult, as you may experience some thoughts trying to barge in and occupy your mind.

You mustn’t fight them, observe them with a certain distance and impartiality, act as if they aren’t even yours.

If this is too difficult, try finding a single point in your environment to focus on, be it a lit candle, a spot on the wall, a flower, anything that you can stare at.

Now, imagine the tension of your body slowly fade away, starting from your toes to the top of your head; you can picture it as a soothing stream running through your body.

Continue to breathe deeply and as you exhale air, imagine all tension and bad thoughts leave your body, carried by the wind.

From here on, you can pick any form of visualization you wish, but a common one is to picture a lemon, cut it in half, and imagines its juice run down your finger.

Please bring it to your mouth, taste it, smell it, feel its texture, make it as accurate as a natural lemon would be and from it, go to more significant images.

Let’s say you are trying to quit smoking, and you can imagine a cigarette being ground under your boot, or burning out, picture something that brings you closer to your objective in as much detail as you can.

 Once you succeed, it’s time to dive.

The Dive

Imagine yourself at the top of a ten-step staircase covered by water up to step number five. Walk down the stairs, counting and visualizing each step, feeling the water rise and that as you do, you are going deeper and deeper into your mind.

If you did it right, a peaceful floating sensation should overtake you and even make you feel like your spinning.

In case you are not feeling any of these things, start the process again; there is no need to feel frustrated. No one is judging you.

As you float, picture three boxes under the water, to which you need to swim to reach, open all three, and describe to yourself what is inside them.

It can be something simple like money or immaterial like self-assurance, as long as you find what you were looking for. Then, few free to either walk on water or swim back to the stairs.

At the sixth step, you will begin to feel a weight on your chest, linger where you are until it goes away; it’s your heart accelerating.

Continue to go up the stairs visualizing each step and its number. Even after you leave them behind, feel them as part of the stairs.

Once you are at the top, wait a few moments and open your eyes. It’s crucial not to hurry on this step to avoid headaches and dizziness. Feel free to awaken and rise from where you are gradual.

Some good practices

– Trust Yourself: The only way for self-hypnosis to work is if you have faith in its effects. If you discredit your experience, it will signal the subconscious that it can simply discard it, which will nullify everything you have done.

– Test Your Trance: If you are not sure that you’re on trance, cross your fingers, say that they are glued and bound together, now try to move them. If you can’t, it’s because it is working.

– Get Creative: The mental pictures described in this article are not mandatory. Feel free to exchange them for whatever works for you.

– Use Accessories: If you feel like listening to some music or using any object will help you reach the trance, go ahead and use it.

If you failed to achieve a state of hypnosis on your own, don’t feel discouraged, it is a very delicate state of mind that demands practice and determination.

The reward for your efforts is to take a form of control over your mind that you never knew you’ve had, one that allows for a better version of yourself to come forth.

Even if you find that it’s not for you, trying it out might be a new experience that will let you know a little more about yourself.

For the tools to boost your confidence, check out –

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