Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Numerology 11 Meaning

Numerology 11 Meaning – Master Numbers

If we were to summarize the meaning of the number 11 - it would be "Intuition." That being said, no number is that simple, there are a multitude of meanings
Introduction to Numerology

Kick Start Your Numerology Deep Dive – The Basics!

It is known that Egypt and Babylon were the earliest written records of Numerology are said to have evolved. Evidence also shows that the secret science of numerology is based on the foundation of correlation of any event on earth to a numeral or a numeral pattern.
number 4

Numerology Number Meanings – Number 4 Results

Number 4 is considered to be related to the sun and symbolises the planet Uranus. Number 4 people have a unique character of their own and they view everything from a different angle to everyone else.
number 6

Numerology Number Meanings – Number 6 Results

People who have Number 6 as their birth number are those born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month. These people are influenced by this number if they are born in what is called the House of the 6th, which falls between 20th April to 20th – 27th May and from 21st September to 20th-27th October.
333 - Close Encounters Of The 3rd Kind

333 – Close Encounters Of The 3rd Kind

Walking down the street or in your dreams, have you ever happened upon the number 333? This is a message from the angels telling...
Numerology 222

Numerology 222 – Self, Self, Self

222 - A message from the Angles! Encountering this sequence of numbers works as subtle messages that, over time, we have learned to interpret for advice and even warnings.
444 Angel Number

444 Angel Number

444 is an angel number - That is, a sequence in which the same digit repeats itself at least once, amplifying the digit's power.
number 5

Numerology Number Meanings – Number 5 Results

Number 5 symbolises the planet Mercury and people born under this number are known to be versatile. Number 5 people are those born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month.
number 1

Numerology Number Meanings – Number 1 Results

People born under the Number 1 have the underlying capabilities of being creative, inventive, and definitive in their views. They are strong-minded, stubborn, and positive individuals
number 7

Numerology Number Meanings – Number 7 Results

The Number 7 symbolises the planet Neptune and represents people born under on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month. These people are especially influenced when born between the periods 21st June to 20th-27th July, also referred to as the 'House of the Moon'.